Title: Analyzing the Impact of Principal’s Leadership and School Climate on Teacher’s Job Satisfaction From TALIS 2018 Taiwan Survey Data: A Multilevel Analysis
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Jin-Fu Wu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Taiwan has actively participated in international student achievement surveys (such as the well-known PISA, TIMSS, etc.) for the past two decades, and the results of the relevant surveys have shown that Taiwanese students have performed well in academic achievement. The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is an international survey asking school leaders and teachers about their working conditions and learning environments. In the past few years, Taiwan has participated in the survey for the first time. So far, there is a lack of empirical research results in Taiwan. In order to understand the relationship among principal’s leadership, school climate and teacher’s job satisfaction, this study uses Taiwan’s data ( ISCED level 2: lower secondary education) from TALIS 2018 to test multilevel direct-effects model. After adopting the statistical method of the multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) for analysis, the results obtained in this research are as follows: 1. The principal’s leadership cannot directly affect the teacher’s job satisfaction. 2. Some aspects of school climate (such as "stakeholder involvement, partnership", "lack of special needs personnel", and “school delinquency and violence”) can directly affect teachers’ job satisfaction.
Virtual Poster Presentation
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