Evaluation of Face-to-face and Online Learning for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Courses

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2021)
Title: Evaluation of Face-to-face and Online Learning for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Courses
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Kassandra A. Papadopoulou, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Rob A. Phillips, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Fatemeh Salehi, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Having moved predominantly due to the coronavirus crisis, a comparison was made of two entrepreneurship courses at The University of Manchester, taught online for the first time this academic year, with the previous year’s versions which were face to face. The aim was to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected from students, as well as school-wide feedback from lecturing staff allowing a comparison of the online versions compared to the previous year’s face-to-face teaching. Despite entrepreneurship being a very interactive and face-to-face subject, it was found that students generally adapted well to online teaching, feedback and attainment were similar to previous years. However, students felt it was important to have additional access to their lecturers through live sessions, extra assignment help, and need longer time to absorb the material with recorded lectures broken down into smaller videos and activities to aid concentration. They found the live session helpful to meet and work with peers and as part of their studies they want access to both asynchronous and synchronous learning methods. Students also commented that in some cases lecturers overcompensated for being online with a large number of quizzes, case studies and other activities which greatly increased the students’ workloads. Analysis and recommendations were provided on what the authors consider to be the contributing pedagogic factors of delivering a successful online approach in entrepreneurship education and make recommendations as to how this online learning could be improved.

Virtual Presentation

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