Title: Website Advertisement: Examining the Effect of Interactivity and Curiosity on Consumers’ Cognitive Absorption and Knowledge Acquisition
Stream: Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Jinhee Seo, University of Oklahoma, United States
One of the goals of effective advertising is to ensure not only attracting the target consumers’ attention, but also engenders their interest and informs the consumer in terms of product benefits and positioning (Aaker, Batra, & Myeers, 1992). Interactivity influences users' mental mapping of the information shown on the website (Xu & Sundar, 2016). One of the ways to stimulate users' motivation for learning is to trigger their curiosity about technology or content. According to the findings of previous studies, consumer’s motivation and ability to acknowledge new information is enhanced when curiosity is generated or curiosity-based elaboration in terms of new information is fostered (Berlyne 1960; Loewenstein, 1994). While consumer interacts with the content on the website, their choice or pattern for seeking or processing information can be altered by initiating their curiosity. The curiosity has an impact on users’ motivation of behavior, initiating actions to fill the gaps of their knowledge by exploring and attempting to understand the environment they run into (Arnone, Small, Chauncey, & McKenna, 2011). In this paper, the study is conducted to discover the factors influencing and heightening the effectiveness of advertising concentrating on cognitive absorption and information acquisition through interactive Websites and direct effects from the following factors, interactivity, and curiosity. Interactivity and curiosity in website advertising content are adopted considering cognitive absorption and information processing and acquisition. The study adopts a 2 (interactivity or no interactivity) x 2 (curiosity trigger-generated ads or no trigger-generated ads) factorial, between-subjects design.
Virtual Presentation
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