Title: Remote Teaching and Learning: Resilience and Academic Voices
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Leila Kajee, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to rethink, redesign, and respond in real time. The dramatic closure of education institutions in South Africa, and worldwide raised several questions in terms of the adaptability and readiness of the HEI sector to adapt and respond to the changes. The changes called into question issues such as in-person teaching and learning practices, digital resources, academic staff and student readiness for learning in digital environments, and connectivity and access to internet services and facilities. The roles of academics and students have changed drastically. COVID-19 has taught us several lessons in higher education. As teacher educators, to move successfully to post-COVID-19 educational environments we need to heed these lessons by listening to the voices of our students and academics. Drawing on Ungar’s resilience theory, the aim of this paper is to provide the voices of academics working in teacher education during the rapid and unplanned move to remote teaching and learning during the pandemic. The research paradigm in interpretative, and the approach adopts the use of qualitative case studies. The methods include ongoing interviews with, and narratives by staffs, conducted online because of social distancing rules. The author also conducted participant and non-participant observations of online classes.
Virtual Presentation
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