English Presentation Courses for Medical Students and Residents in Japan

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2021)
Title: English Presentation Courses for Medical Students and Residents in Japan
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Eiko Kawagoe, Jikei University of Health Care Sciences, Japan


In this global era, we need doctors with high medical English skills. However, there are not many of them in Japan. One of the reasons for this is the inadequate medical English education in medical schools. In order to improve this situation, I received a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research. The theme of the research funded by this grant is "Development of Medical English Teaching Materials and Programs for the Development of Global Medical Scientists and Doctors". In 2019, an English presentation course was held for five medical students, two dental students, and one pharmacy student at Osaka University; in 2020, another course was held for 10 residents at Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital. the content of the two trials was outsourced to Language School Berlitz The content of the two trials was outsourced to Language School Berlitz, and instruction was provided by native English speakers. In the questionnaires for both courses, all respondents answered that the courses were "useful", "informative", and "motivating". As for changes after taking the course, the responses included "I want to study English", "I want to participate in international conferences", "I want to study abroad", and "I want to attend a language school". This is the first time that medically-focused English education is offered not only to students but also to doctors in training in Japan. We are convinced that the development of such a method directly related to future careers is very effective and will greatly contribute to the education of medical professionals and doctors who will be active globally in the future.

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