Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Using Digital Games for Teaching and Learning

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2021)
Title: Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Using Digital Games for Teaching and Learning
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Joana Quinto, De La Salle University, Philippines


Digital game-based learning has evolved into a novel mode of instruction that increases both students' and teachers' motivation to acquire competencies. It aims to engage students and teachers in the classroom context and to pique their interest. The purpose of this study was to construct and verify a Survey Instrument on the Game-Based Learning Approach in order to characterize teachers' and students' knowledge, views, and attitudes toward game-based learning. The Content Validity Index, the Content Validity Ratio, and the Kappa Statistic Coefficient were used to validate the SIGBLA. Principal component analysis with orthogonal varimax rotation was utilized to further assess the instrument's reliability. Bartlett's sphericity test found that correlations between items were adequate for PCA when X2 (174) = 17301.04, p.001, and X2 (285) = 2145.64, p.001. Due to the huge sample size and convergence of the questionnaire's scree plot and Kaiser's criterion, the final analysis kept three components: knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes. The Survey Instrument on Game-Based Learning Approach (SIGBLA) utilized in this study was valid, trustworthy, and adequately exhaustive for diagnosing game-based learning approach-related aspects. Over 90% of the 274 students of which age ranges from 12 to 16 years old and 185 mathematics teachers who consented to participate in this study were knowledgeable about game-based learning and had extremely positive views and perceptions about it. Respondents perceived that incorporating game-based learning into both teaching and learning will help them develop a stronger grasp of mathematics.

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