Course Redesign Collaboration and Scaffolding

Conference: The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2022)
Title: Course Redesign Collaboration and Scaffolding
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Jennifer Zaur, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
Allison Rief, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States
Amy Johnson, University of Arizona Global Campus, United States


Designing courses that engage online learners to achieve the highest level of mastery of course learning outcomes is at the forefront of online course development at The University of Arizona Global Campus. In Spring 2021, full-time faculty in the Department of Education and Liberal Arts had the opportunity to redesign one of their core courses, ECD315: Curriculum Planning and Design for Early Learners. Throughout this presentation, we will explore this process and highlight specific examples of how scaffolding and collaboration allowed for redeveloping a course that would increase student mastery of learning outcomes. Similarly, the co-construction of content by full-time and adjunct instructors alike sought to deepen the partnership between these groups while increasing the self-efficacy and sense of connection to the university for the participating adjunct instructors. Participants will leave the session with practical strategies that can be used immediately for developing comprehensive and effective courses and curriculum.

Virtual Presentation

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