Title: Story Maps as Teaching and Learning Tools for Elementary Education Majors
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New, Innovative & Radical Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Josephine Desouza, Ball State University, United States
It is imperative that preservice teachers learn how innovative technologies can be used to teach geographic inquiry. In a science methods course, elementary education majors learn to design Story Maps that are interactive maps displaying geographic data that are enhanced by text, video, and photographs. These interactive maps were created as web applications using the cloud-based mapping and analysis platform, ArcGIS Online. Geographic Inquiry is comparable to the STEM pedagogy of scientific inquiry with an exception that the inquiry takes into consideration the phenomenon in the context of space. In creating these maps, the preservice teachers used real world data displayed as visualizations that enabled them to look for patterns and relationships. Preservice teachers posed geographic questions and through web-based hands-on Geospatial technology, designed Story Maps that presented information on a variety of topics.
Virtual Presentation
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