Title: Instructional Leaders’ Reflective Inquiry Practices: Impact on Teachers’ Instructional Competence and Students’ Academic Performance in Selected Public Schools in Manila
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Kathleen Marie Castaño, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Rodrigo Litao, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
The various tasks and high expectations add to the problems in the workplace. Instructional leaders, school principals, academic chairs, or coordinators must possess the mental insight to identify and approach the problems (Schmieding, 1999). The study examined if the reflective inquiry practices of the instructional leaders create an impact on the desired teaching performance of the teachers and the academic performance of the students. The study used Explanatory Sequential Design which consisted of first collecting quantitative data and then collecting qualitative data to help explain or elaborate on the quantitative results. The respondents were chosen using non-probability sampling methods and purposive sampling. One hundred forty-nine (149) instructional leaders participated in the survey, and eleven (11) instructional leaders consented to be interviewed in public elementary schools in Manila, Philippines. Survey questionnaires identified the correlation between the reflective practices and the provided variables and semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the collective views of the respondents about the phenomenon under investigation, which helped attain data triangulation. The survey questionnaire was patterned after the works of Faghihi & Sarab (2016), Egleston, Castelli, & Marx (2017), and Matsuo (2016). Permission was granted by the authors. The interview guide question was validated by experts in the field. The results of correlation analysis revealed that the teachers' performance and students’ academic performance are not significantly correlated with the instructional leaders’ level of reflective inquiry practices. The performance of students and teachers seems to be predicted by other factors in relation to the instructional leaders’ reflective inquiry.
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