Title: Internet Addiction Severity Change in Lack-down Period in a Junior High School in Taiwan
Stream: Mental Health
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Pei-i Kuo, Ching Cheng High School, Taiwan
Background:Internet became the essential need of life, when most of our life connected to the internet. However, internet addiction is the following problem. It is also a serious problem in teenagers around the world. Due to covid 19 pandemic, lock-down was the major policy in many countries. School teachings are transforming to teaching online. How much the impact of lock-down and online teaching on internet addiction is unknown. Our aims of the study are to investigate the severity change of internet addiction in the junior high school in central Taiwan after lock-down and online teaching one month. Method:This study is a cohort survey study. We used internet user behavior screening scale and internet addiction scale modified from internet addiction scale of Kimberly for internet addiction assessment. We collected the addiction scale last year without lock-down and online teaching in the first-grade students in a junior high school in central Taiwan. We collected the addiction scale this year under lock-down and online teaching for one month in this cohort. We compared the severity change of internet addiction in the cohort. Result:Totally, 667 students were recruited in the study, including 361 male and 306 female students. The average score of internet user behavior screening scale were 8.64±2.34 and 8.16±2.33 and the average score of internet addiction scale modified from internet addiction scale of Kimberly were 36.89±11.43 and 35.43±10.56 before and after lock-down and online teaching. Conclusion: There are reduction trends of internet addiction severity after lock-down and online teaching in our study.
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