Title: ‘Gan Jue’ 感觉 in Film Works and Practices – An Experiential Introduction for International Readers
Stream: Film Direction and Production
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Boyi Sun, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom
Gan Jue 感觉 is a contested concept rooted in Chinese culture, which generally refers to a Chinese way of making sense of the world through the body and the experience gained from the process. In English, Gan Jue is incompletely translated as both ‘to feel’ and ‘feeling’. Gan Jue has long occupied an essential and evolving place in the field of Chinese art since early society, it has not only been used as a method of practice but also a philosophy that forged the basic rules of Chinese traditional art practices, such as drawing, music, dancing and poetry. With the development of the times, its range of application has been on a much larger scale. However, due to the insufficiency and difficulty in its verbal translation, both the meaning of the concept and the 'world' unveiled by it has remained obscured inter-culturally. In light of this, this paper is committed to exploring the methods of providing the international community with an experiential introduction of representative modes of authentic experience and applications of Gan Jue that is particularly in relation to film works and practice. It aims to identify what Gan Jue could be in a film and how it could be sensed and applied cross-culturally by international audiences and practitioners.
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