Title: Education and Training for Social Change: Analyzing a Social Welfare Model for Grassroots Development in Bangladesh
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Monirul Islam, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh
Sardar Md Shaheen, SIMEC Institute of Technology, Bangladesh
Ratan Kumar Roy, International Research Center, SIMEC Institute of Technology, Bangladesh
The shortage of skilled workers is the major barriers to economic prosperity in Bangladesh. A third of its population falls between 10-24 years old but the youth forces are not well-trained with technical education and social knowledge. The present study shows how philanthropic endeavors can contribute to improving the vulnerable conditions of the rural population by providing social services, training and skill development programmes in a developing nation. It takes the case of SIMEC foundation and its three major programmes viz. scholarship for the economically weaker students, sewing training project for rural women, and computer training for youth in the village named Dhala, Bali Para located in Trishal, Mymensingh. Recent research findings show that private philanthropy plays a key role in financing education in developing countries. According to OCED reports (2019, 2020 and 2021), domestic foundations supported the education sector above all other sectors while the giving capacity of private foundations is endangered by the recent global economic crisis. Amidst the economic vulnerability and pandemic, SIMEC foundation continued its support for the ongoing training and social development projects. Present study examines the social welfare mechanism by private and domestic philanthropy in Bangladesh and the disruption during COVID 19 pandemic. The study has been conducted following a mixed method. For the data collection survey, FGD and interviews were conducted among 300 recipients of the skill development training and educational supports by the foundation. Research findings indicate an effective contribution of the initiative to the individual and social development of the respondents.
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