Reimagining Support for Japanese Teachers of English

Conference: The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii (IICE2022)
Title: Reimagining Support for Japanese Teachers of English
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Tony Cripps, Nanzan University, Japan
Takao Imai, Nanzan University, Japan
Sean Toland, Kagoshima International University, Japan


This presentation explicates a nascent research project that aims to understand and support the practical needs of pre-service English teachers who intend to teach at junior high schools and senior high schools in Japan. The presenters will outline the necessity for such practical support considering the current teacher-training structure in Japan. Through intensive workshops and online support, pre-service English teachers will enhance their methodological knowledge and practical teaching skills. Support will be provided in three main ways by: 1. Holding a series of intensive practical teaching workshops focusing on teaching methodology and practice; 2. Creating an ‘English Knowledge Lab’ (EKL) website which will house useful audio and video files, as well as a host of other teaching support material such as lesson plans, grammar activities, communication activities and ICT implementation activities; 3. Producing practical teaching handbooks based on the teaching workshops. This research project aims to provide realistic solutions to practical problems which English teachers in Japan face every day. It is hoped that fellow educators will find this presentation useful when considering making changes to their own educational contexts.

Virtual Presentation

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