Title: Parental Support, Cooperative Learning, and Peer Awareness in Students’ Exposure to School Bullying: Predicting Bullying in China
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Yiying Teng, Chapman University, United States
Ying Zhu, Chapman University, United States
School bullying negatively affects adolescents at both cognitive and psychological levels. In China, a relatively high prevalence of school bullying has been observed with researchers and educators beginning to identify bullying-related factors in order to foster a healthy school environment. However, parental support, cooperative learning, and peer awareness as forms of intervention support, are still under-researched predictors when portrayed holistically for bullying prevention and control. This study aims to explore how the three forementioned forms of intervention support affect Chinese students’ indirect, psychological, and physical exposure to and their overall experience with school bullying using data from the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Utilizing binary logistic regression analyses while controlling for demographics and ability, this research confirms previous literature that boys are nearly twice more likely to be exposed to bullying than girls while students repeating grades experience bullying at a relatively high rate. The study also indicates that both parental support and cooperative learning are effective intervention factors for lowering bullying frequency. Simultaneously, peer awareness augments students’ reporting of bullying involvement. The integration of different mediating factors in this study depicts a clear picture for Chinese educational practitioners to take action to minimize bullying involvement in the pre-pandemic era, providing patterns of intervention measures to achieve equity and inclusivity for all schoolchildren during and after COVID-19.
Virtual Presentation
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