Title: Enhancing ‘How to Learn’ Skills: Its Impacts on Academic Performance and Student’s Motivation – A Case Study in Indonesia
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Hana Sofiyana, HighScope School, Indonesia
Athifah Utami, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain
In the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, remote learning requires students to learn independently in finding information and understanding the concept being learned. However, distractions like scrolling on social media, have been a common issue faced by the students during remote learning. This challenge leads to procrastination and affects the quality of their learning. Students must have “learning how to learn” skills to help them enhance the quality of their learning (Oakley, 2014). This study aims to examine how “learning how to learn” skills promotes significant results on students’ academic performance and motivation. Classroom Action Research (CAR) design (Sagor, 2004) is adopted in this study. Involves participants from multi-age classes (grade 8 and 9) as one age group; there will be a total of 3 classes with a total of 53 students. One class is assigned to be a control group and two other classes as an experimental group. The interventions will last for 2 months (10 sessions for each class). Both groups (control and experiment groups) get the same self-evaluation survey on students’ knowledge about the concept of "how to learn" skills, students’ motivations in learning social studies and math (as an integrated subject), and pre and post-test for the subject matter. This study will be conducted from November to December 2021 and is expected to see to what extent the implementation of the learning technique; Podomoro technique and chunking can help the learner to structure class learning experiences and information to gain a deeper understanding.
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