Title: The Development and Validation of Psychological Measures of Self-injurious Behaviors (PM-SIB) for Filipino Young Adults: Test Conceptualization and Item Analysis
Stream: Qualitative/Quantitative Research in any other area of Psychology
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Susan Sabado, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Marie Antonette Vargas, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Young adults encounter several challenges in life, and cope through positive or negative means. Some individuals commit suicide because of lost hope, and some commit self-injury without suicidal intent. Using a scale validation method, this study proposes an assessment entitled "Psychological Measures of Self-Injurious Behaviors" (PM-SIB), for the presence of self-injurious behaviors without suicidal intent, since there are still no available local instruments that can identify the presence and reasons for this kind of behaviors among-Filipino youths. This study is anchored on the Cognitive Motivational Relational Theory of Emotions (CMRT), the Four Function Model of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, and through thorough review of studies and literatures on self-injurious behaviors without suicidal intent. The insights of students and mental health professionals contributed to the development of the instrument. The findings of the study yielded two indicators such as cognitive and affective of the PM-SIB. These were content validated by various experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry. Then, item analysis was done after it was pilot tested on 76 students.
Virtual Presentation
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