National Study of Sleep Health for Student Service Members/Veterans

Conference: The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022)
Title: National Study of Sleep Health for Student Service Members/Veterans
Stream: Learner Experience Design
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Phillip A. Morris, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States
Keston G. Lindsay, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States
Patience Agana, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States
Kathryn Watson, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States
Dale K. Willson, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States


To investigate sleep health for student servicemember/veterans (SSM/Vs). This study analyzed the American College Health Association (ACHA) National College Health Association (NCHA) dataset comprising of 88,178 participants in Spring 2018 and 756,150 participants surveyed in 2019 with 2,984 SSM/Vs and 1,355 non-veterans. Utilizing propensity score matching to generate a comparative sample of SSM/Vs to their most similar non-veteran counterparts, student responses were analyzed using a MANCOVA analysis with multiple outcome variables investigated. Although the effect sizes were small, our results showed that SSM/Vs reported significantly higher levels of sleep health issues than the matched peer group, including more days per week feeling sleepy, more instances of trouble falling asleep, and higher rates of sleep difficulties negatively affecting academic performance. Hence, we concluded that SSM/Vs compared to their non-veteran counterparts lack sleep health, which is associated with some of their poor academic and mental performances. Lastly, we made recommendations for academic institutions to prioritize training for faculty members and have veteran service facilities staffed with trained personnel to assess unique SSM/V’s sleep needs, provide them with services, and partner with organizations such as the Veteran Health Administration (VHA) to co-develop innovative solutions for SSM/V’s sleepiness to improve their learning experiences in academic institutions.

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