The Existence of Leader-Member Exchange in Supporting Millennials’ Work Meaningfulness in a Balance of Work and Personal Life

Conference: The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2022)
Title: The Existence of Leader-Member Exchange in Supporting Millennials’ Work Meaningfulness in a Balance of Work and Personal Life
Stream: Industrial Organization and Organization Theory
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Indrayanti Indrayanti, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia


Work-life cannot be separated from personal life; however, it can be balanced. As individuals, millennials eager to balance work and personal life to find meaning at work. This study aims to investigate the role of leader-member exchange in strengthening the relationship between work interference personal life and work meaningfulness in millennials. This study includes the other two dimensions on work-life balance namely personal life interference work life and work personal life enhancement. Also, work engagement is predicted effect work meaningfulness in millennials. A number of 354 millennial employees were involved in this survey study to fulfil four scales of leader member exchange, work engagement, work-life balance, and work meaningfulness. Data were analyzed using moderated regression analysis. The results showed that employee engagement, work personal life enhancement, personal life interference work life, and work interference personal life strengthened by leader-member exchange were able to explain 43.9% of the variation of work meaningfulness in millennial employees (R2 = .439; F (6,347) = 45,229; p < .001). Work engagement was significantly able to predict work meaningfulness (β = .425; p < .001), as well as work personal life enhancement (β = .164; p < .001), personal life interference work-life (β = .138; p < .005), and work interference personal life moderated by leader-member exchange (β = .715; p < .001). Thus, to achieve meaningful work, millennial must feel engaged with work, and get a balance between work and personal life with the strength of support from leader.

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