Title: Life Dynamics as Language Education and Intercultural Communication Method for Graduating Liberal Arts and Education Students of Jose Rizal University
Stream: Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Jonathan Chiong, Jose Rizal University, Philippines
Students’ language and communication skills and leadership abilities in today’s times are focused on strengths management. Life Dynamics begins by identifying the individual’s basic orientation to life, or personal style. Based on this foundation of self-knowledge, powerful strategies are manifested and these enable individuals and groups to work more effectively together as they achieve better results in teams. Graduating students of liberal arts and education of Jose Rizal University are encouraged to maximize their potentials by use of their soft-skills. Graduating students of Jose Rizal University are given a series of context specific surveys in language and communication. The surveys measure behavioral style preferences as it is essential to establish context. As the graduating students manage their communication skills, they become aware of their preferences in managing their strengths as they begin to implement the developmental strategies that will have an immediate impact on productivity. In coordination with the Student Development Office (SDO) and the College of Liberal Arts, Criminology, and Education (ACE) of Jose Rizal University, Life Dynamics resulted to learning activities that are carefully sequenced so that graduating students can build confidence in acquiring relevant language and communication skills, leadership, perspective, and insights. The program termed as ASCEND (Achieving Excellent English, Self-Awareness for Behavioral Management, Communicative Competence for Professional Purposes, Enhancing People’s Capacity, Nature of Communication, Discipline of Communication) yields enormous productivity improvements that can be realized using common language to communicate, enhancing productivity among graduating students of Jose Rizal University to develop soft skills for campus sustainability.
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