Title: Evidence-based Strategies for Reducing Student Resistance to Active Learning
Stream: STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts & Math) Education
Presentation Type: Workshop Presentation
Michael Prince, Bucknell University, United States
Active learning has consistently been shown to improve numerous student outcomes. Despite this, the adoption of active learning in undergraduate classes has been slow. One of the barriers to adoption of active learning is the fear of student resistance, manifested as students lack of participation or giving low teaching evaluations at the end of the semester. This presentation will provide evidence-based strategies to reduce student resistance drawn from a multi-institution NSF funded research project. At the end of this presentation participants will be able to: (1). Identify ways students respond to active learning, (2) Articulate strategies to reduce student resistance and describe how to implement several of them and (3) Develop plans to successfully adopt active learning and reduce student resistance.
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