Morphological Assimilation of Arabic Loanwords in Maguindanaon

Conference: The Asian Conference on Language (ACL2022)
Title: Morphological Assimilation of Arabic Loanwords in Maguindanaon
Stream: Linguistics
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Almira Menson, Mindanao State University, Philippines


The study is synchronic, i.e. examined the integration of Arabic loanwords in Maguindanaon at present. It used qualitative, descriptive, and structural methods in identifying loanwords through morphological structure within the domain of contrastive analysis. Morphological integration seems to be more difficult when the languages in contact possess two distant morphological paradigms. Factors influencing the degree of integration into Maguindanaon of Arabic loanwords is the linguistic nature of the loanword itself. Whether it conforms to the morphological patterns of the recipient language could have a bearing on which inflections to take and on the generative capacity of the word. Another is whether such integration would lead to homonymy with other existing words, thus leading to ambiguity. The effect of morphology was apparent in many cases of Arabic loanwords in Maguindanaon such as the adaptation of words where all Arabic loanwords that were realized in Maguindanaon followed Maguindanaon morphological templates. Likewise, the surface form of some nouns was affected by morphological factors such as clipping, affixation, and the word-formation processes. It also employed its inflectional rules for gender, number, and possessive assignment. The gender of the Maguindanaon equivalent is the most influential determinant of the gender of the loanword. Likewise, loanwords inflect to show plurality in Maguindanaon by the addition of markers (suffixes). Other morphological processes such as the nominal suffixation of loanwords and clipping of compounds generally apply to established loanwords, except in preservative circumstances, i.e., the bilingual use of affixes in playful contexts, and the clipping of technical (institutional) terms.

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