Title: Traditional Practices and Rituals Incorporated in Preparing Maguindanaon Native Delicacies
Stream: Other Humanities
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Almira Menson, Mindanao State University, Philippines
Food is a reflection of the Maguindanaon beliefs and cultures. This demonstration can be traced back from the roots of this Maguindanaon tribe where practices of food preparation is reflective of their faith in Islam. Evidently, Maguindanaon traditional dishes maker observe practices and rituals which are intertwined with their religiosity.
This study employed qualitative descriptive-developmental design through in-depth interview. Ten (10) culture bearers gave consent to be interviewed, with whom an in-depth, individual, face to face interview were conducted. All questions were open-ended, and participants were asked to talk about the rituals and traditional practices in preparing Maguindanaon native delicacies. The interviews were transcribed and were subjected to data analysis.
Maguindanaon traditional delicacies are among popular foodstuff throughout the history of Maguindanao before the coming of modernization and industrialization of the food supply. These foods have subsisted many generations especially among Maguindanaon natives and are still preferred by many because apart from they are exceptionally nutritious, they are free from the threat coming from additives, chemicals and they conform to Halal considerations. These foods are considered part of the Maguindanaon culture that has to be kept throughout generations. However, with the advances in technology and food preparation, these time-honored traditional delicacies have almost been losing its place in our society. Besides its unique taste and culinary uses, many anthropological data revealed that the delicacies prepared with a touch of traditions could give better health to people consuming it than those consuming modern diets.
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