Title: Odd Self-efficacy Test: Academic Self-efficacy Among College Students
Stream: Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Dorothy Kay M. Clay, Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines
Odette E. Esteve, Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines
Deborah M. Relucio, Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines
It has long been considered that persons with a high level of self-efficacy can tackle even the most difficult tasks. As a result, the harder the activity, the more self-confidence and self-control they have, and the more successful they will be. The ODD Self-Efficacy Test is a 100-item survey designed to test college students' self-efficacy. With a 4-point Likert scale, this test has three subscales: time management, efficiency/productivity, and disposition. These subscales are concerned with how students respond to difficult academic settings, such as school pressures and the stresses of all study-related activities. Furthermore, this was pilot tested among 360 college students from chosen universities in Camarines Sur and Albay, and content validated by three psychology professionals. The test's factor structure was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis, resulting in a questionnaire that was reduced from a 100-item to a 48-item questionnaire with nine components. When the final 48 items were tested for internal consistency using Cronbach's Alpha, it was established that components’ Time Management, Efficiency, Drive, Consistency, Productivity, and Confidence had adequate to good reliability. While Optimism, Disposition, and Prudence, on the other hand, may have limited applicability, but they are not reasons to discard the test based solely on its size or reliability coefficient. Disposition has the lowest reliability (N = 3; =.483), whereas Time Management has the highest reliability (N = 12; =.83). This means that individual differences in test scores are due to "real" differences in the attributes under examination, with chance errors accounting for the remainder.
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