Upskilling as an Internationally Recognized System of a Resilient Education Society

Conference: The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022)
Title: Upskilling as an Internationally Recognized System of a Resilient Education Society
Stream: International Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Christian Schachtner, IU University of Applied Sciences, Germany


The Objective of the research project is a comprehensive look at the international requirements of further education and its pain points in the age of digitalization. The Prior work of the upskilling survey serves the aspect that society is becoming more individualistic and less predictable in terms of educational opportunities. It is the biggest challenge in the organization of continuing education for adults to achieve their interest and benefits for larger target groups by taking into account their individual situations. The approach of the panel study series, which has been published annually since 2019, is based in its 2021 edition on a partially standardized questionnaire of 2000 participants, in which 10 countries were represented. Each European, African, Asian, or South American country participated with 200 respondents each. The results show that digitization is playing an increasing role in the acceptance of continuing education because nowadays teaching with flexible teaching via online teaching is the clear preference. The implications of this upskilling study are that a large proportion of respondents are looking for personal fulfillment as a basis for professional change. Not the primary perspective on job openings is relevant in education because skills and individualistic preferences lead to a change of sectors or a higher position being achieved. The value of the paper lies in the proof of the connection that remote-controlled and flexible continuing education courses are an opportunity to integrate personal and professional development into the everyday life of modern and individual society.

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