Explore Daily Dyadic Conversation Between Typical Older Adults and Partners in Community in Taiwan

Conference: The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (AGen2022)
Title: Explore Daily Dyadic Conversation Between Typical Older Adults and Partners in Community in Taiwan
Stream: Aging and Gerontology
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Meng-ju Tsai, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan


Taiwan is projected into a super-aged society in 2025. Older adults connect surrounding environment (i.e., family and communities) and make friendship development through having conversation among people in everyday life. The purpose of the current study was to explore patterns of contributed conversation between two typical older adults. Contributions of conversation turns and speaking roles, were quantitatively and qualitatively compared and contrasted. The qualitative analysis of conversation turns and speaking roles were detailed documented in several extracts to document the co-constructions of the conversation processes and meanings. There were 20 typical older adults aged 65 and over recruited, including 10 males and 10 females, from local community groups. The first 10 typical male older adults were recruited, and then each of them was requested to recommend one typical female older adult (e.g., spouses, siblings, relatives, caregivers) from their family members. Each typical male older adult conversed with his recommended familiar typical female old adult for a 10-minute, once a week, five times in total. There were 50 dyadic conversation sessions (i.e., 10 male-female dyads) collected. Five steps of data analysis were completed, including: transcribing dyadic conversation sessions; coding conversation turns; coding speaking roles (i.e., animator, author, and principal); calculating inter-coder and intra-coder reliability. Asymmetrical contributions of conversation turns and coding speaking roles were found. Implications were discussed.

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