Japan-Russia Agricultural Research in the Web of Science: A Bibliometric Study of Scientific Output and Collaboration

Conference: The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID2022)
Title: Japan-Russia Agricultural Research in the Web of Science: A Bibliometric Study of Scientific Output and Collaboration
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Anna Lyude, Niigata University, Japan
Boris Boiarskii, Niigata University (Faculty of Agriculture), Japan
Hideo Hasegawa, Niigata University, Japan


International communication has sharply increased between educational and research institutions in the various sciences between Japan and Russia. However, literature comprehending the actual situation and issues of the bilateral joint research is insufficient. The present study analyzed publications indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection during 1993-2020. Results demonstrated that in most scientific fields, the number of publications that necessarily include both Russian and Japanese authors and co-authors from at least one other country has significantly increased compared to strictly bilateral publications. However, in agricultural sciences, bilateral co-authorship remains high, with no multilateral cooperation ever in Agricultural Engineering. Plant Sciences, Soil Science, Agronomy, and Environmental Sciences have been the most often co-authored research areas for both bilateral and multilateral cooperation. More than half of Russian organizations contributing to bilateral joint research in agriculture are affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, the most significant contributor from Japan is Hokkaido University. Overall results indicated that the collaborative output in agricultural sciences has been insignificant. There are distinguishing features of the joint research in agriculture that prevents it from expanding. Issues with genetic materials transfer, the high impact of local climatic conditions, and the necessity for longitudinal repetitive field experiments can be highlighted. The present study concluded that further profound qualitative and quantitative research on factors impeding and fostering collaborative research is needed.

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