Title: Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction of School-Based Finance Staff in the Implementing Unit Schools of DepEd Division of Quezon
Stream: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Joji Robedillo, Deped - Division of Quezon, Philippines
Though the function of the Department of Education (DepEd) is to govern the Philippines’ system of basic education, DepEd also has non-teaching employees aside from the school administrators who provide support services. Apparently, the attention is always on the teaching-related personnel, specifically on the programs on development interventions and relevant trainings. Moved by this contention, the researcher intended to investigate the level of motivation and job satisfaction of the school-based finance staff of Implementing Unit Schools (IUs) of DepEd Division of Quezon. Quantitative research method was used in the conduct of this study. The design employed was descriptive and comparative. In addition, a researcher-made questionnaire was used as the main data gathering tool. The study found out that the respondents are generally motivated and satisfied and concluded that there is significant difference both in the level of motivation and job satisfaction when the respondents are grouped according to demographics. The study also identified the looming challenges that the finance staff were facing in their everyday work. These findings can serve as a basis for solutions in the improvement of the finance staff through a proposed Human Resource Development Plan.
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