Engage Your Students to Respond to Instruction Through Differentiation Strategies That Promote Self-efficacy, Connectedness and Relevancy, Attention and Interest

Conference: The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2023)
Title: Engage Your Students to Respond to Instruction Through Differentiation Strategies That Promote Self-efficacy, Connectedness and Relevancy, Attention and Interest
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Workshop Presentation
Colleen Harrison, Oregon State University, United States


Educators throughout the globe work diligently to seek tools that improve their craft and deepen their impact on students. However, one of the challenges for educators rests on the fact that students learn differently. Therefore, educators need to implement differentiation strategies that engage and motivate students in every classroom, every day. In this lively, interactive workshop session, participants will learn strategies that maximize learning for every student. Upon returning to their classrooms and schools, educators will have learned strategies to challenge students who are advanced, reach struggling students, and support a student's learning modality with equity, positive feelings, connectedness and relevancy, self-efficacy, attention and interest, and best practices. Since educators are often asked to do more for less, close achievement gaps, and increase learning that has been lost due to Covid, educators have a challenging job. This workshop session will provide educators with research-based, differentiated instructional strategies that maximize student achievement, motivation, and engagement. Educators will walk away with relevant lesson designs that include responsive activities to instruction. These relevant lessons and activities will capture a student's interest and catapult student achievement to a higher level.

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