Title: The Role of Design: A Humanitarian Approach and an Opportunity to Prepare Students for the Real Working World
Stream: Design for Society
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Carla Cadete, Lusófona University of Porto, Portugal
This study aims to contextualize and describe a pedagogical practice developed in the Academic curriculum at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP), with students from the 2nd year of Communication Design bachelor. A pencil for a school is a solidarity campaign with the purpose of helping to build a school in the village of Matsinho, in the province of Manica, Mozambique. This is a project carried out by The Big Hand, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes the well-being of children living under unfavorable environmental conditions, ensuring their access to education, healthcare and nutrition. The campaign’s briefing includes a pencil, a set of posters, a roll-up, a T-shirt, and a label for a can to collect donations. To complement the project developed in Design classes, a free one-day workshop was held, in which students had the opportunity to talk with the President of the NGO, ask questions and share ideas. This article emphasizes the responsibility of educators in preparing young students and future designers to be able to face contemporary challenges, using their skills as an alternative method of intervention in social issues and also to realize the role of design in promoting positive change. It also offers a solid opportunity to prepare graduates for the real working world and promoting engagement through innovative practice. Also proved to inspiring the new generation of designers to have an empathetic mentality and do not work only for commercial purposes but also for social needs.
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