Gender, Race, and Identity: An Intersectional Analysis of the Movie “Moonlight” by Barry Jenkins

Conference: The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2022)
Title: Gender, Race, and Identity: An Intersectional Analysis of the Movie “Moonlight” by Barry Jenkins
Stream: Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Asmita Sen, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India


The aim of this thesis is to deploy key identity structures that are mainly gender and race. These constructs intersect with one another on a social spectrum which is presented through the polemics of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender performativity, the role of queer communities, and family structures. The need for paramount representation of racial identity and ethnic minorities is put forth. The dissection and analysis are established with the help of the movie ‘Moonlight’ by Barry Jenkins as it proposes intersection on the spectrum of both gender and race. The movie is analyzed intricately with the help of the dimensions discussed initially. The study unveils “hegemonic masculinity” as a precarious construct along with "white supremacy" in movies to extend onto real lives. The ultimate goal of this study is that it informs us of intersectional representation in films today. This movie is chosen to comprehend one mainstream LGBT+ film that is "intersectional" and bring it to comparison with other LGBT+ movies that are mostly clouded by the cis-normative white people. This study ultimately informs us whether there is a representation of the minorities (ethnic minorities) within another minority community (the LGBT+) in movies and if there is then how comparable is this representation?

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