Title: The Effects of Higher Education Learning Environment Variables on the Competencies of Business Education Graduates in a Major Philippine University
Stream: Assessment and Learning Analytics
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Chery Cabading-Lacaden, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Philippines
Daren Eraña, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Philippines
This is a multiple linear regression analysis of specific higher education learning environment variables on the competencies of employed graduates of the College of Business Education (CBE), of Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU), a public tertiary-level educational institution in the Cagayan Valley of the Republic of the Philippines. A total of 141 graduates over a seven-year period (2012-2019) were the respondents of this comprehensive tracking study which clearly indicated that CBE graduates are employable and adaptive to change. Parenthetically, the study also found that HEI (higher education institution) learning environment variables only have minimal significance vis-à-vis program outcomes expected of NVSU’s CBE graduates. The study proposed the following specific and general recommendations, namely: (1) that Nueva Vizcaya State University CBE curriculum should be expanded to include at least one discrete course on gender and development advocacy; (2) explore the possibility of incorporating alternative learning system into the CBE curriculum patterned after, but not necessarily limited to the “Open University” of the University of the Philippines-Diliman; and, (3) the strengthening of support facilities by NVSU especially in the light of the fact that similarly-situated PHEI’s (public higher educational institutions) are expected to internationalize their Business Administration curricula.
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