Self-care Plan of College Freshman Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Philippines

Conference: The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022)
Title: Self-care Plan of College Freshman Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Philippines
Stream: Engaging At-Risk Youth
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Rosemarie Tayoto, De La Salle University, Philippines


Covid-19 pandemic affects not only physical health but also mental health and well-being. Loss of loved ones, fear of being infected by the virus, threats to financial stability, changes in normal routines, and feelings of isolation can contribute to increased anxiety, sadness, and loneliness which pose a greater danger for psychological impairment. Literature pinpoint that promoting self-care has a favorable effect on individuals’ mental health. With the current crisis, it is inevitable that the majority was shaken by its life-changing effects. The student population is one of those who were directly affected due to the overwhelming challenges and uncertainties they face. It is in this light, that this research was conducted to encourage freshman students to design their own self-care plan embedded in course-based mental health modules to help them overcome difficulties and promote resilience. This research employed a qualitative approach to describe the self-care plan of freshman students. The eighty-two participants were enrolled in a non-academic course on mental health literacy in a private university in the Philippines. Thematic analysis was utilized to examine the data gathered using the eight dimensions of self-care by Fisher (2015). Results show that students’ self-care plan includes systematic (physical self-care), emotive (expressing emotions), luminescent (spiritual practices), cognitive (having a positive mindset), aptitudinal (finding creative ways to use skills and talents), relational (connecting with others), environmental (supporting local communities), and financial self-care. With these findings, implications on the importance of comprehensive and sustainable mental health programs in schools and universities are discussed.

Virtual Presentation

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