Title: Thinking with Design: On Developing an Agile Professional Mindset
Stream: Learning Practices in Art & Design Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Shoshi Bar-Eli, COLMAN - College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
Dramatic changes in society, technology, economics, the environment, and politics are occurring at an accelerated pace. The complexity and rapid changes of the future require an improvement to professional development programs. There is an urgent need to develop agile professional mindsets that can adapt to the emerging changes. We employed a professional development course for design students as a case study in assimilating agile professional mindset principles. The proposed paper focuses on a description and analysis of the course, focusing on changing the way designers think, offering them an awareness of their professional perception and design behavior, in order for them to develop flexibility in adjusting to rapidly changing future complexities and professional needs. The innovative methodology taught throughout the course included four stages: 1. Familiarization with the current mindset - A process of reflection on professional perceptions – use of the "Visual Track" tool. 2. Re-definition of the student's mind set - Mapping resources and extracting principles of action by using inspirations (goals, content, methods and impact on society) 3. Identification of personal characteristics of design behavior – placing each student within sequences of behavioral design characteristics. 4. Creative Implementation of the new mindset - Development of a unique project in which each student places themselves in various stakeholders' positions. The students reported that analysis of inspirational projects through familiarity with their design behavior helped them to re-define their professional mindset. As a result, they could view the existing environment from a new angle and design a more creative
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