Title: “You Don’t Look Like You Have a Disability”: Putting a Spotlight on the Spectrum
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Kerry Magro, Independent Scholar, United States
When inclusion works, it means getting everyone's voices to the table. In this presentation, you will hear from self-advocates who are actually disabled about their stories, what helped them in school, and what would help reduce biases for people like them. "You have a disability? You don't look like you do" is something the presenter has heard ever since becoming a disability advocate when he was a College Freshman at 19. In this presentation, you will understand the importance of acceptance, the neurodiversity movement, and educating about those with indivisible disabilities. He will share case studies of self-advocates he interviews as part of his video series called 'A Special Community,' who range from those with less significant challenges to very substantial challenges. This will give educators a better understanding of ways to include visuals to describe and normalize the human condition.
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