Performing Arts Teachers’ Understandings of Professional Self: Explorations Using an Arts-based Method

Conference: The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022)
Title: Performing Arts Teachers’ Understandings of Professional Self: Explorations Using an Arts-based Method
Stream: Arts - Other Arts
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Magdalena De Stefani, Instituto Universitario de Artes Escénicas, Uruguay
Zhuomin Huang, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Richard Fay, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


In this paper, we explore performing arts teachers' understandings of their professional selves in the context of an arts university college in Uruguay. We do so by asking two teacher artists/artist teachers to draw a portrait of their professional 'self' online - an arts-based method called 'blind-portrait'(Huang, forthcoming) - as followed by a discussion of their portraits. Based on this visual and related verbal discussion data, we reflect on how each participant constructed an understanding of the questions, conflicts, and certainties in their professional identities. We also reflect on the implications of their understandings for the Uruguayan tertiary education context.

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