Beating “Circumstances”: Resilience Vignettes of Omani Postgraduate In-service Teachers

Conference: The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation (ERI2022)
Title: Beating “Circumstances”: Resilience Vignettes of Omani Postgraduate In-service Teachers
Stream: Instructional Design and Learning Sciences
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Cécile Gabarre, University of Nizwa, Oman
Serge Gabarre, University of Nizwa, Oman


The shift to blended and distance education in Oman has a triple impact on MA TESOL students affecting their academic lives as students, professional lives as in-service teachers, and personal lives as parents. This presentation reports on the students’ adaptation to the distance mode of MA thesis supervision delivery and discloses their perceptions about the benefits and drawbacks of the new educational context on managing their researcher, teacher, and family commitments. A narrative inquiry methodological approach was conducted to collect, analyze, and report students’ live stories and perceptions of their experiences. Data from correspondence, reflexive surveys and, one-on-one open interviews were triangulated, coded, and sorted using the constant comparative method of analysis to produce vignette narratives portraying each adaptation profile. This presentation reports on the students’ adaptation to the distance mode of MA thesis supervision delivery and discloses their perceptions about the benefits and drawbacks of the new educational context on managing their researcher, teacher, and family commitments. Portraying live stories contrasting individual past and present situations are used to propose recommendations for the design of a supportive supervision framework in the future.

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