Challenges and Potentialities of Using ICT in Initial Teacher Education: A Comparative Study With Students From Portugal and Spain

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2022)
Title: Challenges and Potentialities of Using ICT in Initial Teacher Education: A Comparative Study With Students From Portugal and Spain
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Vânia Graça, Center for Research and Innovation in Education in Porto, Portugal
Paula Quadros-Flores, Center for Research and Innovation in Education in Porto, Portugal
Altina Ramos, Center for Research and Innovation in Education in Porto, Portugal
Manola Raposo-Rivas, University of Vigo, Spain


The use of digital technologies in a conscious, critical and creative way is one of the challenges proposed in initial teacher training, since we are witnessing a time of change that requires the preparation of future teachers for the 21st century. This article is part of the IFITIC Project which aims to rethink educational practice with ICT in the initial training of future teachers in order to promote methodological renewal in preschool education and in the 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education. The study involves 111 students, from two Higher Education institutions in the North of Portugal, attending Degree in Basic Education and Professional Masters in teaching. It also involves 40 students from a Spanish College of Education. The aim is to know the thoughts of future teachers, regarding their technical and pedagogical knowledge in the curricular integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This is a quantitative study whose questionnaire survey included open and closed questions. For the open questions we used the content analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). The results show a) the reasons that promote the integration of technologies in the practices; b) the type of activities performed with students; c) the factors that inhibit the use of technological resources in educational practices. The study concludes that the reality experienced by Portuguese and Spanish future teachers is similar. With this study we hope to contribute to a reflection on initial teacher training.

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