Title: A Three-Step Pedagogical Mediation to Foster the (Re)Construction of the Self-as-Teacher
Stream: Inclusive Pedagogy
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Alvaro Quintero-Polo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia
Carmen Helena Guerrero-Nieto, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia
In local and global alternative studies on teacher education and professional development that have opted for the narrative turn, there has been a growing interest in knowing what teachers have to say and to do about themselves instead of what others, so called experts, have to say about them. This implies that teachers’ true selves comprise life stories that may be considered as their own narratives. In our research group, we have also seen it fit to add understanding of teachers’ life stories as the means they have to reflect, explain, and justify their personal, academic, and professional experiences. In this presentation, we will start by reporting on the theoretical underpinnings around the concept of self-as-teacher. Then, we will describe the design of a pedagogical mediation that had as a main activity a three-step introspective practice. After, from the perspective of narrative inquiry, we will talk about how that pedagogical mediation generated data in the shape of written life stories for us to examine a group of pre-service English language teachers’ (re)construction of their true selves. We will close the session by sharing the voices of the participants that we encapsulated in the main theme of Becoming Teachers of English Who Are Transformative, Instead of Transmissionists.
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