Title: Ideal Gas Law and Fluid Dynamics – Physics Simulations
Stream: Inclusive Pedagogy
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Hashini Mohottala, University of Hartford, United States
Brent Higgins, University of Hartford, United States
During the Pandemic, the demand for simulations and animations became more evident. When teaching introductory-level physics courses, the simulations and animations consistently played a vital role. Carefully designed simulations can assist students to experience real-life situations and explain the complex physics concepts associated with them. Some of these simulations guide students to understand the problem itself and encourage them to adjust variables and observe the changes. Not to mention, both students and instructors can benefit from these applications in any environment, remote, or in-person. We designed a simulation to demonstrate the rise of an air bubble from a certain depth of a lake. Assuming the gas trapped inside the air bubble to be ideal, using ideal gas law, we designed the simulation to show how the volume of the bubble expands as it ascends. To solve for volume as it reaches the surface, we employed the knowledge from fluid dynamics. We incorporated equations that discuss the pressure variations with the depth of the fluid. Unlike in other animations and simulations, here we share a link with the user, permitting users to alter the program, providing an opportunity for them to get familiar with coding and be the creators of animations rather than the users.
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