Title: Unveiling Educators’ Digital Media Skills in Teaching: A Case of South Africa
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Godfrey Muyambi, University of South Africa, South Africa
Mmankoko Ramorola, University of South Africa, South Africa
The South African education system is under a revolutionary transformation of digital media tools adoption and use in the teaching and learning. This has been exasperated by the eruption of Covid-19 pandemic worldwide in 2019 which demands educators to teach at distance. These developments among others call for the need to unpack educators’ pedagogical, technological, and content skills in teaching through digital media tools. There is ample evidence of the education systems facing daunting challenges of equipping schools, training, and upskilling educators in this stormy weather of digital media adoption in the pandemic of Covid-19. A survey of schools in South Africa not only unveils the general state but provides an insight into the kills and readiness of educators who are in the process of adopting digital media tools in teaching and learning. This article presents educators’ digital media instructional skills in teaching and learning with a view to close the practical knowledge gap through the training and upskilling of educators in South Africa. The study adopts a blended theoretical framework of Bloom’s taxonomy, TPACK and UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) version 3 as proposed by Meyer and Gent (2016) to address the practical knowledge gap of educators. A quantitative survey using questionnaires was undertaken to uncover ways in which educators interact with digital media tools in teaching and learning in South Africa. The findings show that educators lack of proper digital media integration, lack of instructional skills amongst educators, lack of in-service training and a huge shortage.
Virtual Presentation
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