Title: How Preschool Children Articulate Learning Through Polaroid Photography
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New, Innovative & Radical Education
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Brandon Gilbert, Metropolitan University of Denver, United States
The significance of polaroid photography is attributed to the mediums ability to capture the world exactly as it appears to the child. A child who is given the freedom to orchestrate autonomously their own photo shoot has license to capture their vision in a single frame. I plan to record three Preschool participants concept of retelling strategies through their instamatic photographs with beginning, middle, and end. The Participants will be able to speak on the nature of the shot—discerning for themselves the aesthetic appeal of the shot and be able to retell stories from their pictures. My thoughts on the limitations and specifications will be to meet with the participants individually to assess their knowledge of conversation regarding there photographs (images, setting, thoughts, or simply beginning, middle, end) with questions like? Why did you take this picture? Can you tell me a story about these pictures? Why do we use cameras? How do we tell a story with pictures.? Polaroid photography in the field of early learning education has been a subject, which is usually excluded from some learning, because of its vitality seems something of the past. This study argues for the value of polaroid photography in early childhood education and how this camera enhances activities and create new learning experiences.
Virtual Presentation
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