Title: Cosmopolitan Legal Education: From Irnerius and the Westphalian Paradigm to the Modern Law School
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Antonios E. Platsas, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
The law school has not always been one that would be predominantly engaged with national legal matter. The subject of law, as a field of learning, has for a number of centuries been the toy of national educational systems, because law has been the toy of nation States. Law, the discipline, which nowadays draws materials from jurisprudence, economics, history and political science, has with the rise of the Westphalian paradigm been mostly what the German legal scholars would call a Landesjurisprudenz in epistemic terms, a subject mostly destined to serve the needs of a given locality. The article runs counter to what came to effectively become law’s traditional approach to education. It posits that the discipline of law as well as legal education in itself would certainly benefit from more cosmopolitan and extrovert models of pedagogy.
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