Adult L2 Learners’ Perceptions of Peer Feedback Versus Teacher Feedback: A Thesis Research into the Perceptions of Egyptian EFL Learners

Conference: The European Conference on Education (ECE2022)
Title: Adult L2 Learners’ Perceptions of Peer Feedback Versus Teacher Feedback: A Thesis Research into the Perceptions of Egyptian EFL Learners
Stream: Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Ahmed Shalaby, The American University in Cairo, Egypt


Comparing writing feedback from a peer with that from a teacher has given rise to controversy for decades. Studies comparing learners’ perception of peer feedback (PF) versus teacher feedback (TF) have gained traction and revealed some interesting findings. The general perception that L2 learners have about feedback is that it is optimum when it is received from a teacher (Ghani & Asgher, 2012); however, research has also looked at peer feedback as a new practice since the 1980s (Connor & Asenavage, 1994). Many studies have investigated L2 learners’ perceptions of feedback. Chen and Lin (2009) concluded that TF is more favoured over PF, but their sample acknowledged the peer’s effort in correcting their mistakes. On the other hand, Rollinson (2005) claimed that PF surpasses TF in a number of features. The lack of inconclusive results is behind earlier researchers urging other researchers around the world to conduct more research in different instructional settings. In Egypt, for instance, studies comparing between PF and TF are rather scant, and thus, more research in that area is in demand. In this presentation session, the findings of the thesis study, which aimed at exploring what adult Egyptian learners of EFL believe regarding PF and TF, will be shared with the audience. The attendees will also discover which writing features are mostly prioritized in PF versus those in TF, and lastly, whether any uptake occurs upon receiving those two types of feedback. Scrutinising L2 learners’ perceptions will have far-reaching implications for adult teaching practices.

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