Academic Self-Concepts and Social-Emotional Factors in Gifted Identified Children and Adolescents

Conference: The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2022)
Title: Academic Self-Concepts and Social-Emotional Factors in Gifted Identified Children and Adolescents
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Celeste Sodergren, Baylor University, United States
Todd Kettler, Baylor University, United States
Tracey Sulak, Baylor University, United States
Maryann Hebda, Baylor University, United States


The role of self-beliefs in academic performance is one of the keys to unlocking future success and happiness. Academic self-concept (ASC) is one of these crucial self-beliefs, developed in social contexts, dependent upon relationships to peers and environment, and setting a pattern that solidifies over time. While we understand some of the experiences that cause academic self-concept to form, and some that may cause it to falter, we know little about the socio-emotional factors that contribute to its early construction. Understanding these may lead to bolstering early development of self-concept for students and protecting against negative experiences, some of which are more serious for gifted adolescents. Liu et al. (2005) developed an academic self-concept scale consisting of two parts: effort and confidence. The data for this study was collected during the first wave of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hard to say how this may have changed the impact on ASC, yet still yielded interesting results. In structural equation modeling of academic self-concept and socio-emotional variables in gifted students, we found predictive relationships between complexity and shyness to academic confidence, but no relationship to academic effort. We considered possible reasons why gifted students may rely on confidence in their abilities rather than self-reported efforts. Chadi et al. (2019) found a strong negative effect of ability on the self-reported effort they called the lazy genius phenomenon, and others found similar beliefs in the primacy of ability over effort among gifted students (Siegle et al., 2010; Siegle & Reis, 2018).

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