Title: Tabuan: Its Resilience in the Context of Marginalized Sectors
Stream: Cultural Studies
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Felix Madriñan, Palawan State University, Philippines
Tabuan is a wider known terminology for flea markets in the Philippines. This paper delves into a thought of giving an account to the relevant Tabuan characteristics of resilience focused on the marginalized sectors of Quezon, Palawan, Philippines. These attributes of resilience will stimulate discourses on the trends and movements as well as issues and challenges encountered that allowed Tabuan traders to thrive. Using a qualitative approach in gathering data, fieldnotes, audio and video documentary, key informants interviews as well as gathering of empirical data via semi-structured interviews with the marginalized Tabuan traders, combined with a true piece of information from related literature, the researcher presented a definitive proof of understanding market resilience obtained from the marginalized Tabuan traders. The researcher also showed and conversed in details the concept meaning of Tabuan resilience in the background of the marginalized sectors of Quezon, Palawan, Philippines. How did the pandemic influence their lives and keep going in the face of adversity? Its emergency relief system in the face of epidemics and the stimulating spillover effect to the local economy will be given a deeper and systematic examination for possible recommendations needed in the present need of recuperation.
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