Title: Teacher-Student relationship, Attributional Style, and their Impact on English Performance of Chinese Students with Low Academic Achievement
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Cheng Cui, Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University, China
Rong Yan, Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University, China
Qian Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University, China
English has been one of the most important compulsory subjects in Chinese primary and secondary curricula. Understanding factors that impact students’ English performance carries critical value in research, since a certain student population struggles with English learning difficulties. So far, little is known about how teacher-student relationship and attributional style impact students’ English learning performance. Applying questionnaire and interview methods, this study sets itself to investigate this very issue. Thirty low-achieving and thirty regular students in a Chinese public secondary school participated in the study. The data did not report any significant differences in teacher-student relationships between the low-achieving and the regular students. However, significant differences were found in academic attributional styles. The regular student's attributions favouring internal and controllable positive attributions whereas the low-achieving students' attributions favouring external uncontrollable attributions. Based on Weiner's attribution theory, low-achieving students exhibited a prolonged negative attribution style, leading to a loss of motivation and the development of learned helplessness. The study also found that teacher-student relationships and attributions were significantly related to the low-achieving students’ English performance. The study suggests that teachers need to pay close attention to their relationships with low-achieving students and guide them to make more positive academic attributions. Such practice would increase low-performing students’ learning impetus; therefore, improve their academic performance.
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