Outdoor Fieldwork for Multidisciplinary Undergraduates in Singapore: Design, Implementation and Outcomes

Conference: The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2022)
Title: Outdoor Fieldwork for Multidisciplinary Undergraduates in Singapore: Design, Implementation and Outcomes
Stream: Higher Education
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Linda Sellou, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Yu Si Yue, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Shi Yun Lau, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Experiential learning is a great teaching strategy to help students become lifelong learners. Outdoor fieldwork is an example of experiential learning, and it was implemented as a project in a module entitled “The Earth” taught in the Special programme in Science (SPS) at the National University of Singapore(NUS). A fieldwork project on seagrass was organised for second-year undergraduate science students from SPS. The project was designed, facilitated, and supported by staff and students from SPS, the department of Statistics and Data Science at NUS, and researchers from St John’s island national marine laboratory. Most students (especially from Chemistry and Physics) were unfamiliar with outdoor fieldwork and seagrass research. This project aimed to expose students to fieldwork research (as opposed to laboratory research), develop project design and planning, and, most importantly, promote reflective thinking and inquiry. Students conducted their planned fieldwork, analysed their results, and reflected on their personal experiences. In addition, data were collected from class and fieldwork observations, students’ questionnaires, and reflective writing. This presentation will share the tools and strategies used to design and implement this fieldwork activity (e.g., multidisciplinary staff and student collaborations, peer learning) and show its impact on students’ learning.

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