Title: Narrating National Identity through Visual Political Communications in Mega-media Events: Imagetextual analysis on Beijing Olympic Games 2008 and 2022
Stream: Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Xin Fang, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China
Wenying Lu, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is a global mega-media event for the hosting countries to demonstrate the national identity, to convey messages to the world audience, and to manifest their core values and stances effectively and efficiently. This paper aims to examine the ways China constructed narratives of the nation in the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Summer Olympic Games 2008 and Beijing Winter Olympic Games 2022, which the approaches of the visual political communication were distinctively different. The previous one showed the unity of the Chinese people, and the latter one demonstrated a sense of “togetherness” of the mankind. The differences in themes, tones and scales of the events may reflect the hosting country’s collective identity and the attitude towards the current global issues, including the Covid-19 pandemic and environmental concerns. The research will identify and analyze the differences in the design of the two grand spectacles and the rationale behind the changes. Imagetextual analysis will be applied in this study which images and the script of the narrator of the telecast will both be examined. The study will also evaluate the effectiveness of the above events, with a focus on audience perception, within the context of visual global political communications.
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