Title: Rinsta vs Finsta: Young Adults’ Management of IG Accounts When Facing Parents
Stream: Social Media and Communication Technology
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Chia-Shin Lin, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan
Instagram (IG) provides a multiple accounts function in which users are able to switch between accounts without logging out and in again, and this helps young adults to develop a real IG account (rinsta) as well as multiple fake accounts (finsta). Given that parents have embraced all kinds of social media, young adults inevitably face the request from their parents to "add them as friends". The management of rinsta and finsta becomes a way to deal with parents’ requests. This paper aims to examine this scenario. A theoretical framework based on concepts including attachment theory, the need for personal identity and social media activity, has been developed. 436 valid samples were collected through a survey, and multinomial logistic regression was performed to examine the relationships. When facing parents, young adults have four options which are a) totally exclude their parents from their IG, b) only use rinsta and add their parents, c) use rinsta to add parents but hide finsta from their parents, or d) add parents to both rinsta and finsta. The results showed that young adults with a higher level of need for personal identity showed a lower propensity to add their parents as friends on IG. Young adults with a higher level of attachment to parents, specifically the sub-construct of trust, showed a higher propensity to add their parents as friends on IG, in both situations c and d. Discussions and implications were included.
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