Title: Satisfaction Survey of “Group Family Guidance Program”: Explore Suitable Family Guidance Mode for Low-Income Family with Special Children
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
Qingyi Chen, Education University of Hongkong, Hong Kong
Yan You, Ganzhou Tianlai Children's Early Intervention Center, China
Inspired by the parent-child guide mode in auditory-verbal therapy, the study carried out the "group family guidance program" in a pattern of the parent-child group class. It aims to explore a suitable family guidance mode for low-income families with special children in small-medium cities of China. The program provided parenting skills in an easy understanding way, thereby overcoming the pervasive limitation of parents' cultural literacy. More families with special children can thus learn to help generalize the skills their children have learned to daily life situations, which secure parents' deep participation in children's early intervention. The researcher sampled 63 parents of special children who were volunteered to attend the program at a children's early intervention centre in Jiangxi Province. The researcher adopted the satisfaction questionnaire to investigate parents' satisfaction with the group parent-child guide mode by the end of the program. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out by SPSS 23.0. To conclude, the mode has been affirmed by most parents, which has effectively increased parents' participation and deserves further research and practice. Family guidance for the family with special children can use the parent-child guide mode for reference to expand the way of thinking. Concentration is called for family guidance for families with special children receiving early intervention. Thorough research and teacher training for family guidance are urgent issues. Meanwhile, national finance is suggested to set up a special appropriation for family guidance in children's assistance services to support the promotion of family guidance for special children.
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